Plants That Start With N
List of Plants Beginning With Letter “N”
Flowers Vegetables Fruits Trees Herbs
- nabalus
- nabalus alba
- nabalus serpentarius
- naboom
- nagami
- nagami kumquat
- nageia
- nageia nagi
- nagi
- naiad
- naiad family
- naiadaceae
- naiadales
- naias
- nailrod
- najadaceae
- najas
- naked lady
- nakedwood
- nameko
- napa
- napaea
- napaea dioica
- naples garlic
- naranjilla
- narcissus
- narcissus jonquilla
- narcissus papyraceus
- nardo
- nardoo
- narrow beech fern
- narrow goldenrod
- narrowhead morel
- narthecium
- narthecium americanum
- narthecium ossifragum
- nasturtium
- nasturtium amphibium
- nasturtium family
- nasturtium officinale
- natal plum
- native beech
- native cranberry
- native fuchsia
- native holly
- native orange
- native pear
- native pomegranate
- nauclea
- nauclea diderrichii
- nebraska fern
- necklace poplar
- necklace tree
- nectarine
- nectarine tree
- nectary
- needle
- needle bush
- needle furze
- needle palm
- needle rush
- needle spike rush
- needle wood
- needlebush
- needlewood
- neem
- neem seed
- neem tree
- nelumbo
- nelumbo lutea
- nelumbo nucifera
- nelumbonaceae
- nemophila
- nemophila aurita
- nemophila maculata
- nemophila menziesii
- neohygrophorus
- neolentinus
- neolentinus ponderosus
- neophyte
- nepal trumpet flower
- nepenthaceae
- nepenthes
- nepeta
- nepeta cataria
- nepeta hederaceae
- nephelium
- nephelium lappaceum
- nephelium litchi
- nephelium longana
- nephelium mutabile
- nephrolepis
- nephrolepis exaltata
- nephrolepis pectinata
- nephthytis
- nephthytis afzelii
- nerium
- nerium oleander
- nerveroot
- nervure
- netted melon
- nettle
- nettle family
- nettle tree
- nettleleaf goosefoot
- neurospora
- new caledonian pine
- new caledonian yew
- new england aster
- new york aster
- new york fern
- new zealand beech
- new zealand cotton
- new zealand dacryberry
- new zealand daisybush
- new zealand spinach
- new zealand white pine
- new zealand wine berry
- nicandra
- nicandra physaloides
- nicker nut
- nicker seed
- nicotiana
- nicotiana alata
- nicotiana glauca
- nicotiana rustica
- nicotiana tabacum
- nidularia
- nidulariaceae
- nidulariales
- nierembergia
- nierembergia frutescens
- nierembergia repens
- nierembergia rivularis
- nigella
- nigella damascena
- nigella hispanica
- nigella sativa
- night jasmine
- night jessamine
- nightshade
- nigroporus
- nigroporus vinosus
- nim tree
- nimble will
- nimblewill
- nipa
- nipa fruticans
- nipa palm
- nitta tree
- nitweed
- noble cane
- nodding groundsel
- nodding onion
- nodding thistle
- nodding wild onion
- node
- nodule
- nolina
- nolina microcarpa
- nonesuch clover
- nonflowering plant
- nonvascular organism
- nonvascular plant
- nootka cypress
- nopal
- nopalea
- norfolk island pine
- north island edelweiss
- northern bedstraw
- northern beech fern
- northern dewberry
- northern dune tansy
- northern holly fern
- northern oak fern
- northern pin oak
- northern pitch pine
- northern red oak
- northern snow bedstraw
- northern white cedar
- northern woodsia
- norway maple
- norway spruce
- nothofagus
- nothofagus cuninghamii
- nothofagus dombeyi
- nothofagus menziesii
- nothofagus obliqua
- nothofagus procera
- nothofagus solanderi
- nothofagus truncata
- nucellus
- nuphar
- nuphar advena
- nuphar lutea
- nuphar sagittifolium
- nut
- nut grass
- nut pine
- nut sedge
- nut tree
- nutgrass
- nutlet
- nutmeg
- nutmeg family
- nutmeg flower
- nutmeg geranium
- nutmeg hickory
- nutmeg melon
- nutmeg tree
- nutsedge
- nutshell
- nuttall oak
- nuytsia
- nuytsia floribunda
- nyctaginaceae
- nyctaginia
- nyctaginia capitata
- nymphaea
- nymphaea alba
- nymphaea caerulea
- nymphaea lotus
- nymphaea odorata
- nymphaea stellata
- nymphaeaceae
- nypa
- nyssa
- nyssa aquatica
- nyssa sylvatica
- nyssaceae