Chemistry Words That Start With A
List of Chemistry words that start with “A”.
- Absolute error
- Absolute temperature
- Absolute uncertainty
- Absolute zero
- Absorbance
- Absorption spectroscopy
- Absorption spectrum
- Absorption
- Absorptivity
- Accuracy
- Achiral
- Acid anhydride
- Acid dissociation constant
- Acid
- Acid-base indicator
- Acid-base titration
- Acidic
- Acidic solution
- Acidification
- Acidity
- Actinides
- Actinium
- Activated complex
- Activated sludge process
- Activation
- Activation energy
- Active transport
- Activity series
- Actual yield
- Acute health effect
- Acyl group
- Additive
- Adhesion
- Adsorption
- Adulterant
- Advanced waste treatment
- Aerobic
- Aerobic biological oxidation
- Aerogel
- Aether
- Air
- Alchemy
- alcogel
- Alcohol
- Algaecide
- Aliphatic amino acid
- Aliphatic compound
- Aliphatic hydrocarbon
- Alkali metal
- Alkaline
- Alkalinity
- Alkane
- Alkanolamine
- Alkene
- Alkenyl group
- Alkoxide
- Alkoxy group
- Alkylate
- Alkylated
- Allotrope (allotropic form)
- Alloy
- Alpha decay
- Alpha particle
- Alpha radiation
- Alternating current (ac)
- Alum
- Amalgam
- Amide
- Amine
- Amino acid
- Amorphous
- Amphetamine
- Amphoteric
- Amphoteric oxide
- Amphoteric surfactant
- Anabolism
- Anaerobic
- Anaerobic biological treatment
- Anaerobic waste treatment
- Anesthetic
- Angstrom
- Angular momentum quantum number
- Anhydrous
- Anion
- Anionic surfactant
- Anode
- Anthropogenic
- Antiaromaticity
- Antibonding orbital
- Antifoam
- Antimatter
- Antimicrobial
- Anti-periplanar
- Antisense
- Antiwear additive
- Aqua regia
- Aqueous solution
- Aqueous
- Aquifer
- Aromatic compound
- Aromaticity
- Arrhenius acid
- Arrhenius base
- Aryl
- Asteroid
- Asymmetric
- Atherosclerosis
- Atmosphere
- Atom
- Atomic absorption
- Atomic mass unit (amu)
- Atomic mass
- Atomic mass/weight
- Atomic number
- Atomic radius
- Atomic solid
- Atomic volume
- Aufbau principle
- Austenite
- Autoclave
- Autooxidation
- Avogadro’s Law
- Avogadro’s number
- Azeotrope
- Azimuthal quantum number