Plants That Start With J
List of Plants Beginning With Letter “J”
Flowers Vegetables Fruits Trees Herbs
- jaboncillo
- jaboticaba
- jaboticaba tree
- jacaranda
- jack bean
- jack oak
- jack pine
- jackfruit
- jackfruit tree
- jacksonia
- jacobean lily
- jacquinia
- jacquinia armillaris
- jacquinia keyensis
- jade vine
- jafnea semitosta
- jaggery palm
- jagua
- jalapeno
- jamaica bayberry
- jamaica caper tree
- jamaica dogwood
- jamaica quassia
- jamaica sorrel
- jamaican cherry
- jamberry
- jambos
- jambosa
- jamesonia
- jamestown weed
- jap clover
- japan allspice
- japan bittersweet
- japan cedar
- japan clover
- japanese allspice
- japanese andromeda
- japanese angelica tree
- japanese apricot
- japanese banana
- japanese barberry
- japanese beech
- japanese bittersweet
- japanese black pine
- japanese brome
- japanese carpet grass
- japanese cedar
- japanese cherry
- japanese chess
- japanese chestnut
- japanese clover
- japanese hop
- japanese iris
- japanese ivy
- japanese lacquer tree
- japanese lawn grass
- japanese leaf
- japanese leek
- japanese lilac
- japanese lime
- japanese linden
- japanese maple
- japanese medlar
- japanese millet
- japanese morning glory
- japanese oak
- japanese pagoda tree
- japanese persimmon
- japanese pink
- japanese plum
- japanese poinsettia
- japanese privet
- japanese quince
- japanese radish
- japanese red pine
- japanese rose
- japanese snowbell
- japanese spurge
- japanese sumac
- japanese table pine
- japanese tree lilac
- japanese umbrella pine
- japanese varnish tree
- japanese wistaria
- japanese yew
- japonica
- jasmine
- jasmine tobacco
- jasminum
- jasminum mesnyi
- jasminum nudiflorum
- jasminum officinale
- jasminum sambac
- jatropha
- jatropha curcus
- jatropha stimulosus
- jatropha urens
- java olives
- java pepper
- jeffrey pine
- jelly fungus
- jellyleaf
- jersey elm
- jersey fern
- jersey knapweed
- jersey pine
- jerusalem artichoke
- jerusalem cherry
- jerusalem oak
- jerusalem sage
- jerusalem thorn
- jessamine
- jew bush
- jewbush
- jewel orchid
- jewelweed
- jimson weed
- jimsonweed
- jiqui
- jocote
- joewood
- johnson grass
- joint fir
- jointed charlock
- jointed rush
- jonquil
- jordan almond
- joshua tree
- judas tree
- juglandaceae
- juglandales
- juglans
- juglans californica
- juglans cinerea
- juglans nigra
- juglans regia
- jujube
- jujube bush
- jumbie bead
- jumby bead
- jumby bean
- jumby tree
- jumping bean
- jumping orchid
- jumping seed
- juncaceae
- juncaginaceae
- juncus
- juncus articulatus
- juncus bufonius
- juncus effusus
- juncus inflexus
- juncus leseurii
- juncus tenuis
- june grass
- juneberry
- juneberry holly
- jungermanniaceae
- jungermanniales
- juniper
- juniper berry
- juniper bush
- juniperus
- juniperus bermudiana
- juniperus communis
- juniperus flaccida
- juniperus horizontalis
- juniperus procera
- juniperus sabina
- juniperus silicicola
- juniperus virginiana
- jupati
- jupati palm
- jupaty