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Home » Gemstones that start with B
Gemstones that start with B
List of All Gemstone Names Starting With Letter “B”
- Babingtonite
- Baddeleyite
- Baffa Diamond
- Bahia Blue Quartz
- Bahia Topaz
- Bahianite
- Bakerite
- Balas Ruby
- Baltic Amber
- Banded Opal
- Baratovite
- Barite (Baryte)
- Barkevikite
- Barrerite
- Bastnäsite
- Bementite
- Bengal Amethyst
- Benitoite
- Bertossaite
- Bertrandite
- Beryllonit
- Berzelianite
- Betafite
- Bi-Colored Sapphire
- Biggs Jasper
- Binghamite
- Biron Emerald
- Bisbeeite
- Bismuth
- Bismuthinite (incl.)
- Bixbite
- Bixbite (Red Beryl)
- Bixbyite
- Black Coral
- Black Diamond
- Black Onyx
- Black Opal
- Black Pearl
- Blood Jasper
- Bloodstone
- Blue Alexandrite
- Blue Amber
- Blue Denim Stone
- Blue Gold
- Blue John
- Blue Kunzite
- Blue Lace Agate
- Blue Moon Quartz
- Blue Quartz
- Blue Spinel
- Blue Tiger’s Eye
- Blue Zoisite
- Blödite
- Bohemian Emerald
- Bohemian Garnet
- Bohemian Ruby
- Boleite
- Bone Turquoise
- Bony Amber
- Boracite
- Bort
- Botswana Agate
- Boulder Opal
- Bournonite
- Bowenite
- Bowlerite
- Brazilian Aquamarine
- Brazilian Emerald
- Brazilian Ruby
- Brazilian Sapphire
- Brazilian Topaz
- Brazilianite
- Brecciated Jasper
- Bristol Diamond
- Britannia Silver
- Brochantite (incl.)
- Broghton Emerald
- Bromellite
- Brookite
- Brucite
- Bruneau Jasper
- Burangaite
- Burbankite
- Burma Ruby
- Burma Sapphire
- Burmese Ruby
- Burmese Sapphire
- Burmite
- Buserite
- Bustamite