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Drama Words
- Drama
- Theater
- Acting
- Stage
- Play
- Actor
- Actress
- Script
- Audition
- Character
- Director
- Performance
- Curtain
- Theatrical
- Rehearsal
- Scene
- Stagecraft
- Monologue
- Dialogue
- Costume
- Set
- Props
- Backdrop
- Makeup
- Lights
- Sound
- Reception
- Ensemble
- Tragedy
- Comedy
- Improvisation
- Blocking
- Stage manager
- Staging
- Dress rehearsal
- Dramaturg
- Choreography
- Mask
- Artistic
- Intermission
- Duo
- Soliloquy
- Improv
- Backstage
- Center stage
- Emotion
- Expression
- Gestures
- Plot
- Resolution
- Suspense
- Exposition
- Conflict
- Denouement
- Melodrama
- Intensity
- Tension
- Tragic
- Farce
- Motivation
- Protagonist
- Antagonist
- Climax
- Diction
- Pacing
- Dramatic
- Theatre
- Act
- Tragicomedy
- Commedia dell’arte
- Stage presence
- Spectacle
- Foyer
- Repertory
- Proscenium
- Immersive
- Upstage
- Downstage
- Theater-in-the-round
- Black box
- Exits
- Entrances
- Front of house
- Cue
- Spotlight
- Repertoire
- Musical
- Dramedy
- Epic
- Shakespeare
- Curtain call
- Opening night