Business Words that start with P
List of Business Words Beginning With Letter “P”
- P-Test
- P-Value
- P/E 10 Ratio
- PATH Act
- Pac-Man Defense
- Paga
- Paid-In Capital
- Paid-Up Additional Insurance
- Paid-Up Capital
- Painting the Tape
- Paper Money
- Paper Trade
- Par
- Par Value
- Par Yield Curve
- Paradox of Thrift
- Parent Company
- Pareto Analysis
- Pareto Efficiency
- Pareto Improvement
- Pareto Principle
- Pari-passu
- Parity
- Parity Price
- Parsonage Allowance
- Participating Policy
- Participating Preferred Stock
- Participation Rate
- Participatory Note
- Partnership
- Passive Activity Loss Rules
- Passive Income
- Passive Investing
- Patent
- Path Dependency
- Patriot Act
- Pattern Day Trader
- Pay As You Earn (PAYE)
- Pay Yourself First
- PayPal
- Payable On Death (POD)
- Payback Period
- Payday Loan
- Payee
- Payment
- Payment-in-Kind (PIK)
- Payout
- Payout Ratio
- Payroll
- Payroll Tax
- Peer Group
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Economy
- Peer-to-Peer Lending
- Pegging
- Pell Grant
- Pennant
- Penny Stock
- Pension Plan
- Per Capita
- Per Capita GDP
- Per Stirpes
- Perceived Value
- Percentage Change
- Percentage change
- Perfect Competition
- Performance Bonds
- Performance Budget
- Performance Management
- Periodic Interest Rate
- Permanent Income Hypothesis
- Permanent Life Insurance
- Perpetual Bond
- Perpetual Inventory
- Perpetuity
- Perseroan Terbatas (PT)
- Personal Finance
- Personal Financial Statement
- Personal Guarantee
- Personal Income
- Personal Lines Insurance
- Personal Property
- Personal Service Corporation
- Personal loan
- Peter Principle
- Petrodollars
- Phantom Stock Plan
- Philanthropy
- Phillips Curve
- Physical Capital
- Pigovian Tax
- Pink Sheets
- Piotroski Score
- Pip
- Pitchbook
- Pivot Point
- Plain Vanilla
- Planned Obsolescence
- Platinum
- Platykurtic
- Pledged Asset
- Plowback Ratio
- Point of Purchase (POP)
- Point of Sale (POS)
- Point-and-Figure (P&F) Chart
- Poison Pill
- Poison pill
- Poisson Distribution
- Political Economy
- Political Risk
- Ponzi Scheme
- Ponzi scheme
- Pooled Funds
- Population Statistics
- Pork Barrel Politics
- Porter Diamond
- Porter’s 5 Forces
- Portfolio
- Portfolio Investment
- Portfolio Management
- Portfolio Manager
- Portfolio Runoff
- Portfolio Turnover
- Portfolio Variance
- Portfolio of Financial Assets
- Position Trader
- Positive Correlation
- Positive Economics
- Positive Pay
- Post-Trade Processing
- Posterior Probability
- Pound
- Poverty Trap
- Poverty trap
- Power Distance Index (PDI)
- Power of Attorney
- Pre-Foreclosure
- Pre-IPO
- Pre-Market
- Precipice bonds
- Preemptive Rights
- Preference Shares
- Preference shares
- Preferred Dividend
- Preferred Stock
- Premium Bond
- Premium bonds
- Prepaid Credit Card
- Prepaid Expense
- Prepayment
- Prepayment Penalty
- Prepayment Risk
- Present Value
- Present Value of an Annuity
- Preservation of Capital
- Press Conference
- Pretax Earnings
- Pretax Profit Margin
- Price Action
- Price Ceiling
- Price Controls
- Price Discovery
- Price Discrimination
- Price Elasticity of Demand
- Price Fixing
- Price Leadership
- Price Level
- Price Sensitivity
- Price Skimming
- Price Stickiness
- Price Target
- Price to Free Cash Flow
- Price-Taker
- Price-Weighted Index
- Price-to-Cash Flow Ratio
- Price-to-Rent Ratio
- Price-to-Sales (P/S)
- Prima Facie
- Primary Market
- Primary discount rate
- Prime Brokerage
- Prime Cost
- Prime Rate
- Principal
- Principal-Agent Problem
- Prisoner’s Dilemma
- Private Banking
- Private Company
- Private Equity
- Private Finance Initiative
- Private Good
- Private Investment Fund
- Private Placement
- Private Sector
- Privatisation
- Privatization
- Privileged Communication
- Pro Forma
- Pro Forma Invoice
- Pro Rata
- Probability Distribution
- Probate
- Probate Court
- Procurement
- Procyclic
- Producer Price Index (PPI)
- Producer Surplus
- Producer price index
- Product Differentiation
- Product Life Cycles
- Product Line
- Product Portfolio
- Production Costs
- Production Efficiency
- Productivity
- Profit
- Profit Before Tax (PBT)
- Profit Centers
- Profit Margin
- Profit and loss account
- Profit-Sharing Plan
- Profitability Ratios
- Profits
- Profits Interest
- Progress Billings
- Progressive Tax
- Project Finance
- Project Management
- Promissory Note
- Promoter
- Promotion
- Property
- Property Insurance
- Property Management
- Property Rights
- Property Tax
- Property Tax Deduction
- Proportional Tax
- Proprietary Trading
- Proration
- Prospectus
- Protectionism
- Protective Put
- Provision
- Proxy
- Proxy Fight
- Proxy Statement
- Proxy Vote
- Public Company
- Public Good
- Public Limited Company (PLC)
- Public company
- Public-Private Partnerships
- Pump Priming
- Pump-and-Dump Scheme
- Purchase-Money Mortgage
- Purchasing Power
- Purchasing power parity
- Pure Play
- Pure Risk
- Push Down Accounting
- Put
- Put Option
- Put-Call Parity
- Put-Call Ratio
- Pyramid Scheme