Business Words that start with M
List of Business Words Beginning With Letter “M”
- M-Pesa
- M1
- M2
- M3
- MCF (Measuring Natural Gas)
- MSCI Inc.
- Macaulay Duration
- Macro Environment
- Macro Manager
- Macroeconomic Factor
- Macroeconomics
- Magic Formula Investing
- Magna Cum Laude
- Main Street
- Maintenance Expenses
- Maintenance Margin
- Majority Shareholder
- Make Whole Call Provision
- Make to Order (MTO)
- Make to Stock (MTS)
- Make-or-Buy Decision
- Managed Account
- Managed Futures
- Managed fund
- Management Buyout (MBO)
- Management Fee
- Management by Objectives (MBO)
- Managerial Accounting
- Manufacturing
- Manufacturing output
- Maquiladora
- Margin
- Margin Account
- Margin Call
- Margin Debt
- Margin Loan Availability
- Margin of Safety
- Marginal Analysis
- Marginal Benefits
- Marginal Cost of Production
- Marginal Profit
- Marginal Revenue (MR)
- Marginal Revenue Product (MRP)
- Marginal Social Cost (MSC)
- Marginal Tax Rate
- Marginal Utility
- Marital Property
- Maritime Law
- Mark Zuckerberg
- Mark to Market (MTM)
- Market
- Market Approach
- Market Basket
- Market Breadth
- Market Cannibalization
- Market Capitalization
- Market Cycles
- Market Depth
- Market Dynamics
- Market Economy
- Market Efficiency
- Market Exposure
- Market Failure
- Market Index
- Market Indicators
- Market Leader
- Market Maker
- Market Manipulation
- Market Neutral
- Market Order
- Market Orientation
- Market Penetration
- Market Portfolio
- Market Power
- Market Price
- Market Research
- Market Risk
- Market Risk Premium
- Market Saturation
- Market Segment
- Market Segmentation
- Market Segmentation Theory
- Market Sentiment
- Market Share
- Market Timing
- Market Value
- Market Value Added (MVA)
- Market Value of Equity
- Market-On-Close Order (MOC)
- Marketable Securities
- Marketing
- Marketing Campaign
- Marketing Mix
- Marketing Plan
- Marketing Strategy
- Markup
- Married Filing Jointly
- Married Filing Separately
- Married Put
- Martial Law
- Marxian Economics
- Marxism
- Mass Customization
- Mass Production
- Master-Feeder Structure
- MasterCard
- Matching Orders
- Material Participation Tests
- Mature Industry
- Maturity
- Maturity Date
- Max Pain
- Maximum Drawdown (MDD)
- Maximum Foreseeable Loss (MFL)
- Maximum Loan Amount
- McClellan Oscillator
- McKinsey 7S Model
- Mean Reversion
- Mean-Variance Analysis
- Medallion Signature Guarantee
- Media Kit
- Median
- Medicaid
- Medical Cost Ratio (MCR)
- Medium Term Note (MTN)
- Medium of Exchange
- Melt Up
- Mental Accounting
- Menu Costs
- Mercantilism
- Merchandising
- Merchant Bank
- Merchant Discount Rate
- Merger
- Merger Arbitrage
- Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A)
- Merrill Lynch
- Merton Model
- Metrics
- Mezzanine Debt
- Mezzanine Financing
- Michael Bloomberg
- Micro Cap
- Micro Manager
- Micro-Investing Platform
- Microcredit
- Microeconomics
- Microfinance
- Micromarketing
- Mid-Cap
- Mid-Cap Fund
- Middle Market Firm
- Middle Office
- Middle-Income Countries (MICs)
- Middleman
- Midstream Oil Operations
- Mill Levy
- Mill Rate
- Millage Rate
- Millennial
- Milton Friedman
- Minimum Efficient Scale (MES)
- Minimum Lease Payment
- Minimum Monthly Payment
- Minimum Wage
- Minimum wage
- Minority Interest
- Minsky Moment
- Misery Index
- Misrepresentation
- Mission Statement
- Mixed Economic System
- Mobile Banking
- Mobile Commerce
- Mode
- Model Risk
- Modern Portfolio Theory (MPT)
- Modified Accrual Accounting
- Modified Cash Basis
- Modified Dietz Method
- Modified Duration
- Modified Endowment Contract
- Modified Gross Lease
- Modus Operandi
- Mom-and-Pop
- Momentum
- Momentum Investing
- Monetarism
- Monetarist
- Monetarist Theory
- Monetary Aggregates
- Monetary Base
- Monetary Policy
- Monetary policy committee
- Monetize
- Money
- Money Center Banks
- Money Factor
- Money Flow
- Money Flow Index (MFI)
- Money Illusion
- Money Laundering
- Money Management
- Money Manager
- Money Market
- Money Market Account
- Money Market Fund
- Money Market Yield
- Money Order
- Money Purchase Pension Plan
- Money Supply
- Money supply
- Money-Weighted Rate of Return
- Monopolist
- Monopolistic Competition
- Monopolistic Markets
- Monopoly
- Monopsony
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Month-To-Month Tenancy
- Monthly Active User (MAU)
- Moore’s Law
- Moral Hazard
- Moral Suasion
- Moratorium
- Morbidity Rate
- Morning Star
- Morningstar Inc.
- Morningstar Risk Rating
- Mortality Table
- Mortgage
- Mortgage Banker
- Mortgage Bond
- Mortgage Broker
- Mortgage Forbearance Agreement
- Mortgage Insurance
- Mortgage Originator
- Mortgage Rate
- Mortgage Rate Lock Float Down
- Mortgage Recast
- Mortgage broker
- Mortgage term
- Mortgage-Backed Security (MBS)
- Mortgagee
- Mortgagor
- Mosaic Theory
- Most-Favored-Nation Clause
- Mothballing
- Moving Average (MA)
- Multi-Asset Class
- Multi-Factor Model
- Multilevel Marketing
- Multiple
- Multiple Listing Service (MLS)
- Multiples Approach
- Multiplier
- Multiplier Effect
- Municipal Bond
- Murabaha
- Musharakah
- Mutual
- Mutual Company
- Mutual Fund
- Mutual Insurance Company
- Mutual fund
- Mutually Exclusive