Birds That Start With F
List of Birds Starting With Letter “F”
- Ferruginous bunting
- Fulvous-faced wood-quail
- Fulvous-breasted green pigeon
- Fuscous-breasted foliage-gleaner
- Fuscous honeyeater
- Falkland steamer duck
- Fulvous-fronted nunbird
- Ferruginous partridge
- Fawn-colored thrush
- Forest canary
- Fairywren
- Fieldfare
- Francolin
- Fuscous flycatcher
- Fawn-breasted pygmy-tyrant
- Fluffy-backed tit-spinetail
- Forest wagtail
- Fawn-breasted tanager
- Fan-tailed gerygone
- Ferruginous flycatcher
- Forest sparrow
- Flavescent warbler
- Forest thrush
- Fire-throated metaltail
- Frilled shrike-tyrant
- Flamingo
- Fork-tailed woodnymph
- Foothill foliage-gleaner
- Flamingo tongue
- Fork-tailed swift
- Forest sparrowhawk
- Frigate pelican
- Fork-tailed palm swift
- Fulvous-collared nunlet
- Fire-bellied woodpecker
- Fulvous-dotted treerunner
- Fork-tailed gerygone
- Fork-tailed flycatcher
- Fork-tailed drongo-cuckoo
- Fawn-colored woodpecker
- Fork-tailed tailorbird
- Fulvous-chested
- Fulvous-bellied swift
- Fulvous-crested tanager
- Falcon
- Fulvous owl-parrot
- Ferruginous-backed antbird
- Finfoot
- Flammulated flycatcher
- Fan-tailed cuckoo
- Flammulated owl
- Fulvous-crowned brushfinch
- Flatbill
- Finsch’s wheatear
- Fulvous whistling duck
- Four-banded sandgrouse
- Frigatebird
- Fulvous-breasted wood quail
- Fan-tailed warbler
- Fork-tailed blue flycatcher
- Ferruginous antbird
- Ferruginous duck
- Falcated antbird
- Fan-tailed berrypecker
- Finsch’s parakeet
- Fulvous-tailed jay
- Flicker
- Finch
- Fork-tailed palm-swift
- Flat-crowned woodcreeper
- Ferruginous-tailed antbird
- Forest falcon
- Fork-tailed drongo
- Foothill screech owl
- Fiery-necked nightjar
- Ferruginous hawk
- Fulvous owl
- Ferruginous pygmy-owl
- Fan-tailed widowbird
- Fulmar
- Falcated ground babbler
- Ferruginous-tailed antwren
- Franklin’s gull
- Frill-necked monarch
- Fire-tufted barbet
- Fuegian steamer duck
- Forest wood quail
- Ferruginous-backed parrot
- Forktail
- Fuzzy-bellied gnatcatcher
- Franklin’s thrush
- Foothill elaenia
- Ferruginous wood partridge
- Fiji bush warbler
- Four-spotted chaser
- Falconet
- Flammulated wood
- Flame-templed babbler
- Flammulated treehunter
- Fuegian snipe
- Fulvous-headed sparrow
- Falcated tiger-heron
- Flammulated pygmy-tyrant
- Fulvous shrike-tanager
- Frilled monarch
- Ferruginous-backed antwren
- Fulvous-bellied antpitta
- Falcated duck
- Frilled coquette
- Fulvous-headed tree-runner
- Fork-tailed kingfisher
- Firecrown
- Fawn-colored lark
- Fan-tailed nightjar
- Fork-tailed sunbird
- Forest buzzard
- Fire-capped tit
- Fawn-breasted brilliant
- Frilled dragon
- Falcated groundnester
- Fulvous-chested jungle-flycatcher
- Fork-tailed emerald
- Fulvous-breasted woodpecker
- Forest robin
- Fulvous-vented euphonia
- Fork-tailed wood partridge
- Fork-tailed kingbird
- Fawn-breasted wren
- Fluffy-backed tit-babbler
- Fan-tailed raven
- Fiery-throated hummingbird
- Flameback
- Ferruginous conebill
- Fulmar prion
- Five-colored barbet
- Fulvous antshrike
- Forest rail
- Frilled antbird
- Fulvous-headed tanager
- Fulvous-crowned sparrow