List of Adverbs
What is an Adverb
An Adverb is word that describes a verb or an adjective or another adverb. It is one of the many parts of speech in English language. Adverbs are also called as modifiers as they are incorporated to further define, explain, and modify the verb, adjective, another adverb, and explain the manner, quality, and degree of something.
Most of the times adverbs are formed by adding -ly to an adjective. The suffix –ly serves as a great method to identify adverbs from sentences and paragraphs. In addition to the suffix method, there are interrogative adverbs. As the name suggests, these adverbs are related to questions that are used to address the how, why, when, what, etc. Another form of adverbs is called sentence adverb. These adverbs modify a whole sentence and can be used in the beginning, middle or end of a sentence.
Adverb Examples
Suffix Adverbs –ly
An adverb is formed by adding –ly to an adjective. For example,
Slow is an adjective. Adding –ly turns this word into an adverb i.e. slowly. Similarly,
Brief becomes briefly.
Quick becomes quickly.
Happy changes into happily.
Interrogative Adverbs
These adverbs are the interrogation words commonly used in our daily language. They usually inform us the reasons, the place, the time and to what extent an incident has happened. For example
When did the incident happen?
Where did it happen?
Why did it happen?
Sentence Adverbs
These adverbs modify the whole clause. For example, words like usually, frankly, unfortunately, luckily etc. The usage of such adverbs are given below.
Luckily, we won.
We, usually, go to a restaurant.
We do not have a holiday, unfortunately.
- Abruptly
- Absolutely
- Academically
- Accidentally
- Accordingly
- Accurately
- Actively
- Actually
- Additionally
- Adequately
- Admittedly
- Adversely
- Aggressively
- Agreeably
- Ahead
- Allegedly
- Alternatively
- Amazingly
- Annually
- Apparently
- Appropriately
- Approximately
- Arguably
- Automatically
- Badly
- Baldly
- Barely
- Basically
- Beautifully
- Beforehand
- Begrudgingly
- Behaviorally
- Belatedly
- Believably
- Beneficially
- Bi-monthly
- Biennially
- Bilaterally
- Bimonthly
- Biologically
- Bitterly
- Biweekly
- Bizarrely
- Blandly
- Blankly
- Blatantly
- Blazingly
- Blessedly
- Blindingly
- Blindly
- Blissfully
- Blisteringly
- Blithely
- Bluntly
- Boldly
- Boringly
- Botanically
- Bravely
- Brazenly
- Breathlessly
- Breathtakingly
- Briefly
- Brightly
- Brilliantly
- Briskly
- Broadly
- Brutally
- Busily
- Calmly
- Carefully
- Casually
- Cautiously
- Centrally
- Certainly
- Characteristically
- Cheaply
- Cheerfully
- Chiefly
- Classically
- Cleanly
- Clearly
- Cleverly
- Clinically
- Clockwise
- Closely
- Coincidentally
- Collectively
- Comfortably
- Commonly
- Comparatively
- Competitively
- Completely
- Comprehensively
- Conceivably
- Conclusively
- Concurrently
- Confidently
- Consciously
- Consecutively
- Consequently
- Conservatively
- Considerably
- Consistently
- Conspicuously
- Constantly
- Continually
- Continuously
- Conveniently
- Conversely
- Convincingly
- Correctly
- Correspondingly
- Creatively
- Criminally
- Critically
- Crucially
- Curiously
- Currently
- Daftly
- Daily
- Daintily
- Damnably
- Damply
- Dandily
- Dangerously
- Daringly
- Darkly
- Dartingly
- Dashingly
- Dauntingly
- Dauntlessly
- Dazedly
- Dazzlingly
- Deadly
- Deadpan
- Dearly
- Deathly
- Debonairly
- Deceitfully
- Deceivingly
- Decently
- Deceptively
- Decidedly
- Decimally
- Decisively
- Declaratively
- Declaratorily
- Declaredly
- Decoratively
- Decorously
- Decumbently
- Decussately
- Deductively
- Deeply
- Defectively
- Defensively
- Deferentially
- Definitely
- Definitively
- Degenerately
- Degradingly
- Delivery
- Diagonally
- Dialectically
- Dialogically
- Diamagnetically
- Diametrically
- Diaphanously
- Diatonically
- Didactically
- Dietetically
- Differentially
- Differently
- Difficulty
- Diffidently
- Diffusely
- Diffusively
- Digestedly
- Digressively
- Dilatorily
- Diligently
- Diminishingly
- Diplomatically
- Direly
- Disagreeably
- Disapprovingly
- Eagerly
- Earnestly
- Easily
- Eastward
- Eerily
- Effectively
- Efficiently
- Effortlessly
- Either
- Electronically
- Elegantly
- Eloquently
- Else
- Elsewhere
- Eminently
- Emotionally
- Emphatically
- Endlessly
- Enormously
- Enough
- Enthusiastically
- Entirely
- Environmentally
- Equally
- Ergonomically
- Erroneously
- Especially
- Essentially
- Eternally
- Ethically
- Even
- Evenly
- Eventually
- Ever
- Everywhere
- Evidently
- Exactly
- Exceedingly
- Excellently
- Exceptionally
- Excessively
- Excitedly
- Exclusively
- Expertly
- Explicitly
- Expressly
- Exquisitely
- Extensively
- Extraordinarily
- Extremely
- Fabulously
- Faintly
- Fairly
- Faithfully
- Falsely
- Famously
- Fantastically
- Fatally
- Favorably
- Federally
- Fiercely
- Figuratively
- Finally
- Financially
- Finely
- Firmly
- Firstly
- Fittingly
- Flawlessly
- Flexibly
- Fluently
- Fondly
- Foolishly
- Forcefully
- Forcibly
- Formally
- Formerly
- Fortnightly
- Fortunately
- Frankly
- Frantically
- Fraudulently
- Freely
- Frequently
- Freshly
- Fully
- Functionally
- Fundamentally
- Furiously
- Gaily
- Gallantly
- Gamely
- Gaudily
- Gauntly
- Gayly
- Gelidly
- Generally
- Generically
- Genetically
- Genially
- Genteelly
- Gently
- Geocentrically
- Geographically
- Geologically
- Geometrically
- Gerundively
- Ghastly
- Ghostly
- Gibingly
- Giddily
- Gingerly
- Gladly
- Glancingly
- Glaringly
- Glassily
- Glibly
- Glidingly
- Glitteringly
- Globosely
- Globularly
- Gloomily
- Glossily
- Glowingly
- Glumly
- Gnomically
- Gnomonically
- Goodly
- Goutily
- Graciously
- Gradely
- Gradually
- Grandly
- Granularly
- Graphically
- Gravely
- Greasily
- Greatly
- Greedily
- Greenly
- Grimily
- Grimly
- Grinningly
- Grossly
- Grotesquely
- Growlingly
- Grudgingly
- Grumblingly
- Grumbly
- Grumpily
- Gruntingly
- Guessingly
- Guiltily
- Gushingly
- Gutturally
- Gymnastically
- Haggardly
- Haggishly
- Halfway
- Haltingly
- Handily
- Handsomely
- Haplessly
- Haply
- Happily
- Hardily
- Hardly
- Harshly
- Hastily
- Haughtily
- Hazily
- Headily
- Healthfully
- Healthily
- Heartily
- Heavenly
- Heavily
- Heavy
- Hebdomadally
- Hebraically
- Heliacally
- Heraldically
- Hereby
- Hereditably
- Hereditarily
- Hiddenly
- Hieroglyphically
- Highly
- Hintingly
- Historically
- Hoarsely
- Hobblingly
- Holily
- Hollow
- Hollowly
- Holly
- Homely
- Homeopathically
- Honestly
- Honorably
- Hopefully
- Hopelessly
- Hopingly
- Horizontally
- Horribly
- Horridly
- Hospitably
- Hostilely
- Hotfoot
- Hotly
- Hourly
- Hoveringly
- Huffingly
- Humanly
- Humbly
- Humorously
- Hungerly
- Hungrily
- Hurryingly
- Huskily
- Hydrostatically
- Hyperbolically
- Hypercritically
- Hypostatically
- Ideally
- Illegally
- Immediately
- Immensely
- Implicitly
- Importantly
- Impossibly
- Impressively
- Improperly
- Inadvertently
- Inappropriately
- Incidentally
- Incorrectly
- Increasingly
- Incredibly
- Incrementally
- Indeed
- Indefinitely
- Independently
- Indirectly
- Individually
- Inevitably
- Inexplicably
- Infinitely
- Informally
- Infrequently
- Inherently
- Initially
- Insanely
- Instantly
- Instinctively
- Intellectually
- Intelligently
- Intensely
- Intentionally
- Intently
- Interchangeably
- Interestingly
- Intermittently
- Internally
- Internationally
- Intimately
- Intricately
- Intrinsically
- Intuitively
- Invariably
- Ironically
- Irrevocably
- Jabberingly
- Jarringly
- Jauntily
- Jealously
- Jestingly
- Jinglingly
- Jocularly
- Jointly
- Jokingly
- Jollily
- Jolly
- Joltingly
- Jovially
- Jubilantly
- Judaically
- Judicially
- Judiciously
- Juridically
- keenly
- kiddingly
- kindheartedly
- kindly
- Kingly
- knavishly
- knowingly
- knowledgeably
- kookily
- Kneelingly
- Knightly
- Labially
- Laconically
- Lacteally
- Laically
- Lamely
- Lamentingly
- Languishingly
- Lankly
- Largely
- Lasting
- Lastly
- Lately
- Latently
- Laterally
- Latterly
- Laudably
- Laughingly
- Lavishly
- Laxly
- Lazily
- Leanly
- Leeringly
- Legally
- Legibly
- Legislatively
- Legitimately
- Leisurely
- Lengthily
- Leniently
- Lenticularly
- Levelly
- Liberally
- Lightly
- Likely
- Limitedly
- Lineally
- Linearly
- Lingeringly
- Linguistically
- Liquidly
- Lispingly
- Literally
- Lithely
- Litigiously
- Liturgically
- Livelily
- Lively
- Livingly
- Loathingly
- Loathly
- Lobately
- Locally
- Loftily
- Logarithmically
- Logically
- Longingly
- Longitudinally
- Loosely
- Loquaciously
- Loudly
- Lousily
- Lovely
- Lovingly
- Lowlily
- Lowly
- Loyally
- Lubberly
- Lucidly
- Luckily
- Lucratively
- Lustily
- Luxuriantly
- Lyrically
- Madly
- Magically
- Magnificently
- Mainly
- Majorly
- Maliciously
- Manifestly
- Manually
- Marginally
- Markedly
- Massively
- Masterfully
- Materially
- Mathematically
- Maybe
- Meaningfully
- Measly
- Mechanically
- Medically
- Memorably
- Mentally
- Mercifully
- Mercilessly
- Merely
- Merrily
- Metaphorically
- Methodically
- Meticulously
- Midway
- Mightily
- Mildly
- Militarily
- Mindlessly
- Minimally
- Miraculously
- Miserably
- Mistakenly
- Moderately
- Modestly
- Momentarily
- Morally
- Morbidly
- Moreover
- Most
- Mostly
- Musically
- Mutually
- Mysteriously
- Naively
- Namelessly
- Namely
- Narratively
- Narrowly
- Nasally
- Nastily
- Nationally
- Natively
- Naturally
- Naught
- Naughtily
- Nautically
- Nearly
- Neat
- Neatly
- Necessarily
- Negatively
- Neglectingly
- Negligently
- Neighborly
- Nervously
- Neutrally
- Newly
- Nibblingly
- Nicely
- Niggardly
- Nightly
- Nimbly
- Ninthly
- Nobbily
- Nobly
- Nocturnally
- Noiselessly
- Noisily
- Nominally
- Nominatively
- Nonchalantly
- Normally
- Northeasterly
- Northeastward
- Northeastwardly
- Northeastwards
- Northerly
- Northward
- Northwardly
- Northwestward
- Northwestwardly
- Northwestwards
- Notably
- Noticeably
- Notionally
- Obediently
- Objectively
- Obligatorily
- Obliquely
- Oblongly
- Obscurely
- Obsequiously
- Observantly
- Obsoletely
- Obtusely
- Obviously
- Occasionally
- Occultly
- Oddly
- Officially
- Omnipotently
- Onerously
- Only
- Ontologically
- Openly
- Operatively
- Opposite
- Oppositely
- Optatively
- Optically
- Optionally
- Orally
- Orderly
- Ordinarily
- Ordinately
- Organically
- Originally
- Ornamentally
- Ornately
- Orthodoxly
- Orthogonally
- Orthographically
- Ostensibly
- Outstandingly
- Outwardly
- Overflowingly
- Overly
- Overtly
- Painfully
- Partially
- Particularly
- Partly
- Passionately
- Patiently
- Peacefully
- Perfectly
- Periodically
- Permanently
- Personally
- Physically
- Plainly
- Pleasantly
- Politely
- Politically
- Poorly
- Positively
- Possibly
- Potentially
- Powerfully
- Practically
- Precisely
- Predictably
- Predominantly
- Preferably
- Prematurely
- Presently
- Presumably
- Pretty
- Previously
- Primarily
- Principally
- Privately
- Proactively
- Probably
- Professionally
- Profoundly
- Progressively
- Prominently
- Promptly
- Properly
- Proudly
- Psychologically
- Publicly
- Purely
- Purposefully
- Purposely
- Quadrennially
- Quadripartitely
- Quaintly
- Quakingly
- Qualifiedly
- Quantitively
- Quarterly
- Queasily
- Queerly
- Questionably
- Questionless
- Quibblingly
- Quickly
- Quiescently
- Quietly
- Quincuncially
- Quixotically
- Racially
- Randomly
- Rapidly
- Rarely
- Rationally
- Readily
- Realistically
- Really
- Reasonably
- Reassuringly
- Recently
- Recklessly
- Refreshingly
- Regardless
- Regionally
- Regretfully
- Regrettably
- Regularly
- Relatively
- Relentlessly
- Reliably
- Religiously
- Reluctantly
- Remarkably
- Remotely
- Repeatedly
- Repetitively
- Reportedly
- Reputedly
- Resolutely
- Respectfully
- Respectively
- Responsibly
- Retroactively
- Reverently
- Rhetorically
- Rhythmically
- Richly
- Ridiculously
- Rightfully
- Rightly
- Rigorously
- Robustly
- Romantically
- Roughly
- Routinely
- Royally
- Rudely
- Ruthlessly
- Sadly
- Safely
- Scarcely
- Seamlessly
- Secondly
- Secretly
- Securely
- Seemingly
- Seldom
- Separately
- Seriously
- Severely
- Shortly
- Significantly
- Similarly
- Simply
- Simultaneously
- Sincerely
- Singly
- Slightly
- Slowly
- Smoothly
- So
- Socially
- Solely
- Specially
- Specifically
- Steadily
- Still
- Straight
- Strategically
- Strictly
- Strongly
- Subsequently
- Substantially
- Successfully
- Suddenly
- Sufficiently
- Summarily
- Superficially
- Supposedly
- Surely
- Surprisingly
- Swiftly
- Tamely
- Tangentially
- Tantalizingly
- Tantivy
- Tardily
- Tartly
- Tastily
- Tauntingly
- Tawdrily
- Teasingly
- Technically
- Telephonically
- Telescopically
- Temperately
- Temporally
- Temporarily
- Tenderly
- Tenfold
- Tenthly
- Termly
- Terribly
- Terrifically
- Territorially
- Tetrahedrally
- Textually
- Thankfully
- Theoretically
- Thermally
- Thermometrically
- Thick
- Thickly
- Ticktack
- Tidily
- Tight
- Tightly
- Timelessly
- Timely
- Tinselly
- Tipsily
- Tolerably
- Topically
- Torpidly
- Totally
- Totteringly
- Touchily
- Toughly
- Traditionally
- Tragically
- Tranquilly
- Transcendentally
- Transcendently
- Transitorily
- Translucently
- Transversely
- Treble
- Trebly
- Trenchantly
- Triangularly
- Triennially
- Trimly
- Triply
- Trippingly
- Triumphantly
- Trivially
- Triweekly
- Tropically
- Truculently
- Truly
- Trustily
- Turbidly
- Turbulently
- Typically
- unabashedly
- unbearably
- unethically
- Ultimately
- Unaccountably
- Uncertainly
- Unchristianly
- Uncommonly
- Uncontrovertibly
- Uncunningly
- Uncurably
- Undeniably
- Underhandedly
- Understandingly
- Undirectly
- Undistinctly
- Unduly
- Unempirically
- Unequally
- Unerringly
- Unessentially
- Unexpertly
- Ungainly
- Ungenerously
- Uprightly
- Urgently
- Usefully
- Usually
- Utterly
- uselessly
- unnecessarily
- unnaturally
- unimpressively
- unfortunately
- unexpectedly
- valiantly
- very
- viciously
- victoriously
- vivaciously
- Vacantly
- Vagrantly
- Vaguely
- Vainly
- Validly
- Valuably
- Vanishingly
- Variably
- Variously
- Vastly
- Vehemently
- Venally
- Veraciously
- Verbally
- Verdantly
- Verily
- Verminously
- Vernacularly
- Vertically
- Vexingly
- Vicariously
- Vigilantly
- Violently
- Virtually
- Virulently
- Visibly
- Visually
- Vitally
- Vocally
- Volcanically
- Voluntarily
- Vulgarly
- warmly
- weakly
- wearily
- well
- wetly
- wholly
- wildly
- willfully
- wisely
- woefully
- wonderfully
- worriedly
- wrongly
- Waddlingly
- Wanly
- Wantonly
- Warblingly
- Warily
- Warningly
- Waveringly
- Wealthily
- Weekly
- Weightily
- Westerly
- Whimsically
- yawningly
- yearly
- yearningly
- yesterday
- yieldingly
- youthfully
- youngly
- zealously
- zestfully
- zestily
- zoologically