10 Letter Words Starting With “B”
Below you will find a complete list of 10-letter words starting with B. These words are compiled from the English dictionary and are Scrabble valid. So, when playing popular spelling games like Scrabble, Wordle, or Words with Friends, you often need a word starting with a specific letter and containing a specific number of letters. You can quickly find the correct word to place and manage a good score.
There are dozens of ten letter words that start with the letter B, and we have included most of them in our list. Here you can also find other words that start with a specific letter and have a specific number of letters present in them. We have organized a list of words for each category.
List of All 10 Letter B Words
3 Letter 4 Letter 5 Letter 6 Letter 7 Letter 8 Letter 9 Letter 10 Letter
- babbitries
- babbitting
- babblement
- babesioses
- babesiosis
- babirussas
- babyproofs
- babysitter
- bacchanals
- bacchantes
- bacitracin
- backbiters
- backbiting
- backbitten
- backblocks
- backboards
- backchecks
- backcloths
- backcourts
- backdating
- backdrafts
- backfields
- backfilled
- backfiring
- backfitted
- backgammon
- background
- backhanded
- backhander
- backhauled
- backhoeing
- backhouses
- backlashed
- backlasher
- backlashes
- backlights
- backlisted
- backloaded
- backlogged
- backpacked
- backpacker
- backpedals
- backrushes
- backshores
- backslider
- backslides
- backspaced
- backspaces
- backsplash
- backstages
- backstairs
- backstamps
- backstitch
- backstreet
- backstroke
- backswings
- backswords
- backtracks
- backwardly
- backwashed
- backwashes
- backwaters
- backwoodsy
- bacteremia
- bacteremic
- bacterials
- bacterized
- bacterizes
- bacteroids
- badinaging
- badmintons
- badmouthed
- bafflegabs
- bafflement
- bafflingly
- bagatelles
- bahuvrihis
- bailiwicks
- bairnliest
- baitfishes
- bakeapples
- bakehouses
- bakshished
- bakshishes
- balaclavas
- balalaikas
- balbriggan
- baldachino
- baldachins
- baldaquins
- balderdash
- baldheaded
- baldnesses
- balkanized
- balkanizes
- balladeers
- balladists
- balladries
- ballasters
- ballasting
- ballerinas
- ballistics
- ballooning
- balloonist
- ballplayer
- ballpoints
- ballyhooed
- balmacaans
- balneology
- balustrade
- bamboozled
- bamboozles
- banalities
- banalizing
- banderilla
- banderoles
- bandicoots
- banditries
- bandleader
- bandmaster
- bandoleers
- bandoliers
- bandoneons
- bandshells
- bandstands
- bandwagons
- bandwidths
- banishment
- banistered
- bankrolled
- bankroller
- bankruptcy
- bankrupted
- bannerette
- bannisters
- banqueters
- banqueting
- banquettes
- baptistery
- barbarians
- barbarisms
- barbarized
- barbarizes
- barbascoes
- barbecuers
- barbecuing
- barbequing
- barberries
- barbershop
- barbitones
- barcaroles
- barcarolle
- bardolater
- bardolatry
- barebacked
- barefooted
- barehanded
- bareheaded
- barenesses
- bargainers
- bargaining
- bargeboard
- barhopping
- barkeepers
- barkentine
- barleycorn
- barnstorms
- baroceptor
- barographs
- barometers
- barometric
- baronesses
- baronetage
- baroscopes
- barquettes
- barrackers
- barracking
- barracoons
- barracouta
- barracudas
- barramunda
- barramundi
- barratries
- barrelages
- barrelfuls
- barrelhead
- barrelling
- barrelsful
- barrenness
- barretries
- barricaded
- barricades
- barricados
- barristers
- bartenders
- bartending
- baseboards
- baseliners
- basenesses
- baseplates
- basicities
- basketball
- basketfuls
- basketlike
- basketries
- basketsful
- basketwork
- basophiles
- basophilia
- basophilic
- bassetting
- bassnesses
- bassoonist
- bastardies
- bastardise
- bastardize
- bastinaded
- bastinades
- batfowlers
- batfowling
- bathhouses
- batholiths
- bathwaters
- bathymetry
- bathyscaph
- batrachian
- battailous
- battalions
- battements
- battlement
- battleship
- baudronses
- bawdyhouse
- bayberries
- bayoneting
- bayonetted
- bazillions
- beachballs
- beachcombs
- beachfront
- beachgoers
- beachheads
- beadhouses
- beadledoms
- beanstalks
- beastliest
- beatifying
- beatitudes
- beautician
- beautified
- beautifier
- beautifies
- bebeerines
- beblooding
- becarpeted
- beccaficos
- bechalking
- bechancing
- becharming
- beclamored
- beclasping
- becloaking
- beclogging
- beclothing
- beclouding
- beclowning
- becomingly
- becowarded
- becquerels
- becrawling
- becrowding
- becrusting
- becudgeled
- bedabbling
- bedarkened
- bedazzling
- bedchamber
- bedclothes
- bedeafened
- bedehouses
- bedeviling
- bedevilled
- bedfellows
- bediapered
- bedighting
- bedimpling
- bedirtying
- bedizening
- bedlamites
- bedraggled
- bedraggles
- bedrenched
- bedrenches
- bedriveled
- bedrugging
- bedspreads
- bedsprings
- bedwarfing
- bedwarmers
- bedwetters
- beechdrops
- beechmasts
- beechwoods
- beefeaters
- beefsteaks
- beekeepers
- beekeeping
- befingered
- beflagging
- beflecking
- beflowered
- beforehand
- beforetime
- befretting
- befriended
- befringing
- befuddling
- beggardoms
- beggarweed
- beginnings
- begirdling
- begladding
- beglamored
- beglamours
- beglooming
- begrimming
- begroaning
- begrudgers
- begrudging
- behavioral
- behaviours
- beheadings
- behindhand
- bejeweling
- bejewelled
- bejumbling
- beknighted
- beknotting
- belaboring
- belaboured
- beleaguers
- belemnites
- believable
- believably
- beliquored
- belittlers
- belittling
- belladonna
- belletrist
- bellflower
- bellwether
- bellyached
- bellyacher
- bellyaches
- bellybands
- belongings
- belowdecks
- belvederes
- bemadaming
- bemaddened
- bemedalled
- bemingling
- bemuddling
- bemurmured
- bemusement
- bemuzzling
- benchlands
- benchmarks
- benefactor
- beneficent
- beneficial
- beneficing
- benefiters
- benefiting
- benefitted
- benevolent
- bengalines
- benignancy
- bentonites
- bentonitic
- benzenoids
- benzidines
- benzocaine
- benzofuran
- bepainting
- bepimpling
- bequeathal
- bequeathed
- berascaled
- berberines
- berberises
- beribboned
- berkeliums
- berserkers
- berylliums
- bescorched
- bescorches
- bescouring
- bescreened
- beseechers
- beseeching
- besetments
- beshadowed
- beshivered
- beshouting
- beshrewing
- beshrouded
- besmearers
- besmearing
- besmirched
- besmirches
- besmoothed
- besmudging
- besmutting
- besoothing
- bespangled
- bespangles
- bespatters
- bespeaking
- bespousing
- besprinkle
- besteading
- bestialize
- bestiaries
- bestirring
- bestrewing
- bestridden
- bestriding
- bestrowing
- bestseller
- bestudding
- beswarming
- betattered
- bethanking
- bethinking
- bethorning
- bethumping
- betokening
- betrothals
- betrotheds
- betrothing
- betterment
- bevomiting
- bewearying
- bewildered
- bewitchers
- bewitchery
- bewitching
- beworrying
- bewrapping
- biannually
- biasnesses
- biathletes
- biblically
- biblicisms
- biblicists
- bibliology
- bibliopegy
- bibliopole
- bibliotics
- bibliotist
- bibulously
- bichromate
- bicultural
- bicyclists
- bidonville
- biennially
- bifacially
- bifidities
- bifurcated
- bifurcates
- bigamously
- bigarreaus
- bigeminies
- bigfooting
- bighearted
- bigmouthed
- bijections
- bijouterie
- bilberries
- bilections
- bilgewater
- bilharzial
- bilharzias
- bilinguals
- bilirubins
- biliverdin
- billabongs
- billboards
- billfishes
- billionths
- billowiest
- billycocks
- bilocation
- bimanually
- bimetallic
- bimodality
- binational
- binaurally
- binoculars
- binomially
- binturongs
- binucleate
- bioassayed
- biocenoses
- biocenosis
- biochemist
- biocontrol
- biodegrade
- biodynamic
- bioethical
- biofoulers
- biofouling
- biogeneses
- biogenesis
- biogenetic
- biographee
- biographer
- biographic
- biohazards
- biological
- biologisms
- biologists
- biomarkers
- biomedical
- biometrics
- biometries
- biomimetic
- biomorphic
- bionomists
- biophilias
- biophysics
- biopirates
- biopolymer
- bioreactor
- bioregions
- biorhythms
- bioscience
- bioscopies
- biosensors
- biospheres
- biospheric
- biostromes
- bioterrors
- bioweapons
- biparental
- bipartisan
- bipedalism
- bipedality
- bipolarity
- bipolarize
- bipyramids
- biradicals
- birdbrains
- birddogged
- birdhouses
- birdliming
- birthdates
- birthmarks
- birthnames
- birthplace
- birthrates
- birthright
- birthroots
- birthstone
- birthworts
- bisections
- bisexually
- bishoprics
- bistouries
- bisulfates
- bisulfides
- bisulfites
- bitartrate
- bitcheries
- bitchiness
- biteplates
- bitstreams
- bitterness
- bitternuts
- bitterroot
- bitterweed
- bituminize
- bituminous
- bivalences
- bivouacked
- biweeklies
- bizarrerie
- blabbering
- blackamoor
- blackballs
- blackberry
- blackbirds
- blackboard
- blackbucks
- blackcocks
- blackdamps
- blackeners
- blackening
- blackfaces
- blackflies
- blackguard
- blackheads
- blackheart
- blackjacks
- blacklands
- blackleads
- blacklists
- blackmails
- blackpolls
- blacksmith
- blacksnake
- blacktails
- blackthorn
- blackwater
- blackwoods
- bladdernut
- blamefully
- blancmange
- blandished
- blandisher
- blandishes
- blanketing
- blanquette
- blarneying
- blasphemed
- blasphemer
- blasphemes
- blastemata
- blastments
- blastocoel
- blastocyst
- blastoderm
- blastodisc
- blastomata
- blastomere
- blastopore
- blatancies
- blatherers
- blathering
- blattering
- blazonings
- blazonries
- bleachable
- bleariness
- blemishers
- blemishing
- blessedest
- blethering
- blimpishly
- blindfolds
- blindingly
- blindsided
- blindsides
- blindworms
- blinkering
- blissfully
- blistering
- blithering
- blithesome
- blitzkrieg
- blizzardly
- bloatwares
- blockaders
- blockading
- blockbusts
- blockheads
- blockhouse
- blondining
- bloodbaths
- bloodguilt
- bloodhound
- bloodiness
- bloodlines
- bloodlusts
- bloodroots
- bloodsheds
- bloodstain
- bloodstock
- bloodstone
- bloodworms
- bloodworts
- bloomeries
- blossoming
- blotchiest
- bloviating
- bloviation
- blowfishes
- blubberers
- blubbering
- bludgeoned
- bluebeards
- bluebloods
- bluebonnet
- bluebottle
- bluefishes
- bluejacket
- blueliners
- bluenesses
- bluepoints
- blueprints
- blueshifts
- bluestones
- bluetongue
- bluishness
- blunderers
- blundering
- blurriness
- blurringly
- blushingly
- blusterers
- blustering
- blusterous
- boardrooms
- boardwalks
- boarfishes
- boarhounds
- boastfully
- boathouses
- boatlifted
- boatswains
- bobsledded
- bobsledder
- bobsleighs
- bobtailing
- bodyboards
- bodychecks
- bodyguards
- bodysurfed
- bodysurfer
- boilersuit
- boisterous
- boldfacing
- boldnesses
- bolections
- bolivianos
- bolographs
- bolometers
- bolometric
- bolsheviki
- bolsheviks
- bolshevism
- bolshevize
- bolsterers
- bolstering
- bombarders
- bombardier
- bombarding
- bombardons
- bombasters
- bombazines
- bombinated
- bombinates
- bombproofs
- bombshells
- bombsights
- bondholder
- bondstones
- boneblacks
- bonefishes
- boneheaded
- bonesetter
- boninesses
- booboisies
- bookbinder
- bookkeeper
- bookmakers
- bookmaking
- bookmarked
- bookmarker
- bookmobile
- bookplates
- bookseller
- bookstalls
- bookstands
- bookstores
- boomerangs
- boondoggle
- boosterism
- bootblacks
- bootlegged
- bootlegger
- bootlessly
- bootlicked
- bootlicker
- bootstraps
- borborygmi
- bordereaux
- borderland
- borderline
- borescopes
- boringness
- borrowings
- boschvarks
- botanicals
- botanising
- botanizers
- botanizing
- botcheries
- bothersome
- botryoidal
- botrytises
- bottlefuls
- bottleneck
- bottomland
- bottomless
- bottommost
- bottomries
- botulinums
- boulderers
- bouldering
- boulevards
- bouncingly
- boundaries
- bounderish
- bourbonism
- bourgeoise
- bourgeoned
- bouvardias
- bovinities
- bowdlerise
- bowdlerize
- bowerbirds
- bowhunters
- bowstrings
- boxberries
- boxhauling
- boxinesses
- boycotters
- boycotting
- boyfriends
- boyishness
- brachiated
- brachiates
- brachiator
- brachiopod
- bracketing
- bracteoles
- bradykinin
- braillists
- braincases
- brainchild
- braininess
- brainpower
- brainstems
- brainstorm
- brambliest
- bramblings
- branchiest
- branchless
- branchlets
- branchline
- brandished
- brandishes
- brandlings
- brannigans
- brasileins
- brassbound
- brasseries
- brassieres
- brassiness
- brasswares
- bratticing
- brattiness
- bratwursts
- brawniness
- brazenness
- brazileins
- brazilwood
- breadboard
- breadboxes
- breadfruit
- breadlines
- breadroots
- breadstuff
- breakables
- breakaways
- breakdowns
- breakevens
- breakfasts
- breakfront
- breaksaway
- breakwalls
- breakwater
- breastbone
- breastfeed
- breastpins
- breastwork
- breathable
- breathiest
- breathings
- breathless
- brecciated
- brecciates
- breechings
- breezeless
- breezeways
- breeziness
- brevetcies
- brevetting
- breviaries
- briarroots
- briarwoods
- brickfield
- brickkilns
- bricklayer
- brickworks
- brickyards
- bricolages
- bridegroom
- bridesmaid
- bridewells
- bridgeable
- bridgehead
- bridgeless
- bridgework
- briefcases
- brierroots
- brierwoods
- brigadiers
- brigandage
- brigandine
- brigantine
- brightened
- brightener
- brightness
- brightwork
- brilliance
- brilliancy
- brilliants
- brimstones
- bringdowns
- briolettes
- briquetted
- briquettes
- bristliest
- britannias
- brittanias
- broadbands
- broadbeans
- broadbills
- broadcasts
- broadcloth
- broadeners
- broadening
- broadlooms
- broadscale
- broadsheet
- broadsided
- broadsides
- broadsword
- broadtails
- brocatelle
- brochettes
- brogueries
- broiderers
- broideries
- broidering
- brokenness
- brokerages
- brokerings
- bromegrass
- bromelains
- bromeliads
- brominated
- brominates
- brominisms
- bronchiole
- bronchites
- bronchitic
- bronchitis
- brontosaur
- broodiness
- broodingly
- broodmares
- brooklimes
- broomballs
- broomcorns
- broomrapes
- broomstick
- brothering
- browallias
- browbeaten
- brownfield
- brownnosed
- brownnoser
- brownnoses
- brownshirt
- brownstone
- browridges
- browsables
- brummagems
- brushbacks
- brushfires
- brushlands
- brushwoods
- brushworks
- brusquerie
- brutalised
- brutalises
- brutalized
- brutalizes
- brutifying
- bryologies
- bryologist
- bryophytes
- bryophytic
- bubblegums
- bubblehead
- buccaneers
- buccinator
- buckboards
- bucketfuls
- bucketsful
- buckhounds
- bucklering
- buckraming
- buckthorns
- buckwheats
- buckyballs
- buckytubes
- budgerigar
- budgeteers
- buffaloing
- bufflehead
- buffoonery
- buffoonish
- bugleweeds
- buhrstones
- builddowns
- bullbriers
- bulldogged
- bulldogger
- bulldozers
- bulldozing
- bulletined
- bullfights
- bullheaded
- bullnecked
- bullrushes
- bullsnakes
- bulwarking
- bumblebees
- bumblingly
- bumfuzzled
- bumfuzzles
- bumpkinish
- bunchberry
- bunchgrass
- bunglesome
- bunglingly
- bunkhouses
- buoyancies
- buprestids
- burdensome
- bureaucrat
- burgeoning
- burglaries
- burglarize
- burgundies
- burladeros
- burlesqued
- burlesquer
- burlesques
- burnishers
- burnishing
- burrstones
- bursitises
- burthening
- bushellers
- bushelling
- bushmaster
- bushranger
- bushwhacks
- businesses
- busticated
- busticates
- bustlingly
- busybodies
- busynesses
- butadienes
- butcherers
- butcheries
- butchering
- buteonines
- butterball
- butterburs
- buttercups
- butterfats
- butterfish
- butteriest
- butterless
- buttermilk
- butternuts
- butterweed
- butterwort
- buttinskis
- buttonball
- buttonbush
- buttonhole
- buttonhook
- buttonless
- buttonwood
- buttressed
- buttresses
- buttstocks
- butylating
- butylation
- byproducts
- byssinoses
- byssinosis
- bystanders